Tuesday, August 11, 2020

ASK YOURSELF WHY: If we preach any of the following, we will have more acceptance within the church community's, more access, more endorsement, and much more celebrated: 1. Pay your Tithe...without which you will be cursed and God will burn you in hellfire. 2. A believer in Christ is still cursed needing deliverance. 3. Somebody in your village can change your destiny. 4. You can achieve righteousness (right standing with God) by your efforts and right doing. 5. God loves you but you must be right to keep this love otherwise, He will change his mind. 6. Salvation is temporal, you can get it in the morning and loose it before the day is over. But we upset them when we teach that Christ is all you need and will ever need because in His death, burial, and resurrection He perfected you, made you righteous, blessed you, and sealed you for redemption. So, we exalt Christ and His work above all, and it offends them, why? Chidi Jacob

ASK YOURSELF WHY: If we preach any of the following, we will have more acceptance within the church community's, more access, more endorsement, and much more celebrated: 1. Pay your Tithe...without which you will be cursed and God will burn you in hellfire. 2. A believer in Christ is still cursed needing deliverance. 3. Somebody in your village can change your destiny. 4. You can achieve righteousness (right standing with God) by your efforts and right doing. 5. God loves you but you must be right to keep this love otherwise, He will change his mind. 6. Salvation is temporal, you can get it in the morning and loose it before the day is over. But we upset them when we teach that Christ is all you need and will ever need because in His death, burial, and resurrection He perfected you, made you righteous, blessed you, and sealed you for redemption. So, we exalt Christ and His work above all, and it offends them, why?
by Chidi Jacob

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via IFTTT ASK YOURSELF WHY: If we preach any of the following, we will have more acceptance within the church community's, more access, more endorsement, and much more celebrated: 1. Pay your Tithe...without which you will be cursed and God will burn you in hellfire. 2. A believer in Christ is still cursed needing deliverance. 3. Somebody in your village can change your destiny. 4. You can achieve righteousness (right standing with God) by your efforts and right doing. 5. God loves you but you must be right to keep this love otherwise, He will change his mind. 6. Salvation is temporal, you can get it in the morning and loose it before the day is over. But we upset them when we teach that Christ is all you need and will ever need because in His death, burial, and resurrection He perfected you, made you righteous, blessed you, and sealed you for redemption. So, we exalt Christ and His work above all, and it offends them, why?

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