Tuesday, May 26, 2020

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: MY MESSAGE TO THE CHURCH 1. To our elder siblings, our papa’s and our mama’s, please I plead with you all, It will be very helpful if before you make public statements on national and global issues to consult experts in your own congregation who can independently advise you with the FACTS, then you can decide how and what to say. 2. Dear Pastor, remember, God did not call you to defend an institution, you were called to “take care of my sheep”; therefore, your greatest concern should be the wellbeing of your people. Depending on your environment and other peculiar factors, which ever path you see that guarantees the wellbeing of your members is the good path to follow. 3. Dear Pastor, remember that nobody speaking by the spirit of God will call you Anti-Christ, mock or challenge you to prove your faith. ‘Come and show that you are anointed,’ come and show us that you have power’, is the same as telling ‘a hungered’ Jesus, “if you are the son of God, turn these stones into bread.” 4. Don’t let anyone pull you into the deception that every decision the government makes is for or against the church. 5. Remember, God did not chose the Roman governor of Judea to announce the resurrection of Christ, He chose the weak mouth of the lowest men and women to announce His glory. One of the worst things to ever happen to faith in Christ was when the Roman government got involved. Chidi Jacob

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: MY MESSAGE TO THE CHURCH 1. To our elder siblings, our papa’s and our mama’s, please I plead with you all, It will be very helpful if before you make public statements on national and global issues to consult experts in your own congregation who can independently advise you with the FACTS, then you can decide how and what to say. 2. Dear Pastor, remember, God did not call you to defend an institution, you were called to “take care of my sheep”; therefore, your greatest concern should be the wellbeing of your people. Depending on your environment and other peculiar factors, which ever path you see that guarantees the wellbeing of your members is the good path to follow. 3. Dear Pastor, remember that nobody speaking by the spirit of God will call you Anti-Christ, mock or challenge you to prove your faith. ‘Come and show that you are anointed,’ come and show us that you have power’, is the same as telling ‘a hungered’ Jesus, “if you are the son of God, turn these stones into bread.” 4. Don’t let anyone pull you into the deception that every decision the government makes is for or against the church. 5. Remember, God did not chose the Roman governor of Judea to announce the resurrection of Christ, He chose the weak mouth of the lowest men and women to announce His glory. One of the worst things to ever happen to faith in Christ was when the Roman government got involved.
by Chidi Jacob

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via IFTTT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: MY MESSAGE TO THE CHURCH 1. To our elder siblings, our papa’s and our mama’s, please I plead with you all, It will be very helpful if before you make public statements on national and global issues to consult experts in your own congregation who can independently advise you with the FACTS, then you can decide how and what to say. 2. Dear Pastor, remember, God did not call you to defend an institution, you were called to “take care of my sheep”; therefore, your greatest concern should be the wellbeing of your people. Depending on your environment and other peculiar factors, which ever path you see that guarantees the wellbeing of your members is the good path to follow. 3. Dear Pastor, remember that nobody speaking by the spirit of God will call you Anti-Christ, mock or challenge you to prove your faith. ‘Come and show that you are anointed,’ come and show us that you have power’, is the same as telling ‘a hungered’ Jesus, “if you are the son of God, turn these stones into bread.” 4. Don’t let anyone pull you into the deception that every decision the government makes is for or against the church. 5. Remember, God did not chose the Roman governor of Judea to announce the resurrection of Christ, He chose the weak mouth of the lowest men and women to announce His glory. One of the worst things to ever happen to faith in Christ was when the Roman government got involved.

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