Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Sir, it is not grace that causes sin to abound, it is the law. Oh! How deep the devil has confused the church. Chidi Jacob

The greatest lie the devil has sold to the church is that grace causes people to sin. But how is that possible? It is like saying that taking your shower makes people dirty. There is no man who values his cleanliness who will want to get dirty. No, he chooses where and how he sits to make sure, he is not stained.

But due to the ignorance and unbelief in the heart of many preachers, when they mention grace, their next thought or sermon turns to sin. You will hear them, say, yes there is grace but that does not mean we can sin. As a result, today, when people hear you mention grace they see you as someone who is promoting sin. Look, the devil is smart. How can he make you run away from your solution if not to make it look like it is your problem.

For those who quote Romans 6:1 - shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? If you can only read not the whole bible but just the next line, you will realize that the answer to your question is in the next line. So, if you know the answer, you will not ask the question. The answer is NOT NOT NOT and NEVER NEVER EVER possible, for how can a man who is dead to sin live any longer by it. When it comes to the believer in Christ, sin and righteousness is about dead or alive. If you are dead to sin, you are not looking for excuse to sin.

Until pastors and teachers realize this, they will continue to hinder the gospel of Jesus without knowing they are doing so. There is no man who experiences the grace of God in Christ Jesus who runs around looking for how to sin because of grace. It just does not happen. Anyone who does though he may know grace as a subject has not experienced it in their heart. For sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace -Romans 6:14. If you turn Romans 6:14 the other way, it means that if you put yourself under the law, sin shall have dominion over you. Remember, the bible says that  sin comes by the knowledge of the law.

No one goes to get HIV because a cure has been discovered. Grace is God's perfect cure for sin and until people take it in, they will continue to struggle with sin.

by Chidi Jacob

October 04, 2017 at 04:51AM

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