Friday, April 20, 2018

Beloved be at Peace, your salvation is not a reward for good works, it is a free gift of love from your heavenly Father. If He gave it to you, He is not taking it away. Chidi Jacob

Beloved be at Peace, your salvation is not a reward for good works, it is a free gift of love from your heavenly Father. If He gave it to you, He is not taking it away.
by Chidi Jacob

April 20, 2018 at 03:05AM
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via IFTTT Beloved be at Peace, your salvation is not a reward for good works, it is a free gift of love from your heavenly Father. If He gave it to you, He is not taking it away.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Each time we step away from the Spirit, we end up creating our own laws and traditions which in turn creates divisions and disagreements in the body of Christ. Chidi Jacob

Each time we step away from the Spirit, we end up creating our own laws and traditions which in turn creates divisions and disagreements in the body of Christ.
by Chidi Jacob

April 19, 2018 at 12:53PM
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via IFTTT Each time we step away from the Spirit, we end up creating our own laws and traditions which in turn creates divisions and disagreements in the body of Christ.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Here is how the gospel transforms: Suppose there is a brother who tells lies. Religion will respond by teaching him morality. Forgetting that he has been taught the same all his life. It will remind him the dangers of his action and tell him how disappointed God is with him. But perhaps the man is a liar because he lacks self confidence as a result of physical, emotional or social experience. But when I teach the same man the gospel over and over (if he receives it), the Spirit of God uses the Word to restore his self-confidence as he realizes who he is in Christ. Guess what happens? It might be a while before the same brother notices that he has stopped lying. Why? The reason he has been lying all his life has been solved. He is free without struggling to be free. This is why the bible says, the gospel is the power of God to save from sin and the consequences of sin. #spiritlife. #notbypowernotbymight #gospel Chidi Jacob

Here is how the gospel transforms: Suppose there is a brother who tells lies. Religion will respond by teaching him morality. Forgetting that he has been taught the same all his life. It will remind him the dangers of his action and tell him how disappointed God is with him. But perhaps the man is a liar because he lacks self confidence as a result of physical, emotional or social experience. But when I teach the same man the gospel over and over (if he receives it), the Spirit of God uses the Word to restore his self-confidence as he realizes who he is in Christ. Guess what happens? It might be a while before the same brother notices that he has stopped lying. Why? The reason he has been lying all his life has been solved. He is free without struggling to be free. This is why the bible says, the gospel is the power of God to save from sin and the consequences of sin. #spiritlife. #notbypowernotbymight #gospel
by Chidi Jacob

April 17, 2018 at 04:41AM
from Facebook
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via IFTTT Here is how the gospel transforms: Suppose there is a brother who tells lies. Religion will respond by teaching him morality. Forgetting that he has been taught the same all his life. It will remind him the dangers of his action and tell him how disappointed God is with him. But perhaps the man is a liar because he lacks self confidence as a result of physical, emotional or social experience. But when I teach the same man the gospel over and over (if he receives it), the Spirit of God uses the Word to restore his self-confidence as he realizes who he is in Christ. Guess what happens? It might be a while before the same brother notices that he has stopped lying. Why? The reason he has been lying all his life has been solved. He is free without struggling to be free. This is why the bible says, the gospel is the power of God to save from sin and the consequences of sin. #spiritlife. #notbypowernotbymight #gospel

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Why is it easier for the African churchman to believe that someone in his village stole his destiny than to believe that he carries the power of God in Him. Chidi Jacob

Why is it easier for the African churchman to believe that someone in his village stole his destiny than to believe that he carries the power of God in Him.
by Chidi Jacob

April 12, 2018 at 04:15AM
from Facebook
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via IFTTT Why is it easier for the African churchman to believe that someone in his village stole his destiny than to believe that he carries the power of God in Him.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Until we teach the African churchman that the Zoe life he recieved includes creativity, he will continue to blame his village people and enemies for his lack of success. Chidi Jacob

Until we teach the African churchman that the Zoe life he recieved includes creativity, he will continue to blame his village people and enemies for his lack of success.
by Chidi Jacob

April 09, 2018 at 12:31PM
from Facebook
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via IFTTT Until we teach the African churchman that the Zoe life he recieved includes creativity, he will continue to blame his village people and enemies for his lack of success.

The highest and most powerful name you can call God is simply: Father Chidi Jacob

The highest and most powerful name you can call God is simply: Father
by Chidi Jacob

April 09, 2018 at 03:48AM
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via IFTTT The highest and most powerful name you can call God is simply: Father

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Just wondering: I just wonder what the future holds for our families now that we are raising bible believing, tongue talking sisters who desire to be loved, understood, and adored but at the same time see submission as an evil word. Chidi Jacob

Just wondering: I just wonder what the future holds for our families now that we are raising bible believing, tongue talking sisters who desire to be loved, understood, and adored but at the same time see submission as an evil word.
by Chidi Jacob

April 05, 2018 at 05:51AM
from Facebook
via IFTTTfrom Facebook
via IFTTT Just wondering: I just wonder what the future holds for our families now that we are raising bible believing, tongue talking sisters who desire to be loved, understood, and adored but at the same time see submission as an evil word.