Monday, June 26, 2017

1 Reason Christians don’t Evangelize

Evangelism is and will always be a hot topic because of its significance to our faith and growth of the church. Because of this, many things have been said and many ideas promulgated to get Christians to engage in this important exercise of our faith.  But for some reasons, many still fall short. Today, it is no surprise to see a bible quoting, every Sunday attending, tongue talking, Holy Ghost filled believer who goes around his or her business 365 days a year without evangelizing for one day.

But for many it was not always like this. When they got born again they wanted to tell everyone. Without knowing too many scriptures, they shared the testimony of their faith and so much wanted everyone to be like them. So, how and why do many Christians go from this passion to a passionless state where unless they are threatened with punishment or highly enticed with heavenly rewards, they find it hard to share their faith?  I strongly believe that if we can open our hearts to find the answer without the usual blames, condemnation, and over stretched truths, we will not only kindle this passion, we will keep it burning higher and higher.

While there are many facets to this problem, but the backbone-source comes from practical Christian experience. At first, they believed with all their heart but after sometime when their real life experience no-longer matched their confession, they began to lose the initial passion. When you start to short fall of the laws you thought you could keep, telling others to keep same becomes more difficult, and smells outright hypocrisy. When a Christian begin to struggle with his own faith, it is much harder to tell someone else. When you felt Jesus was coming now now now, and it doesn’t happen as expected, the energy to keep telling people fades away. When your real life experience starts to pose more questions than your faith can answer, you lack the inward force to evangelize.

When your teaching only condemns and fills them with guilt, you practically quench the fire in them. As a result, while they focus on “fixing themselves, getting it right with God”, they find it impossible to sincerely share their faith. When you hear every Sunday that you are not good enough, could really never please God no-matter what you do, how can you sincerely and passionately desire to bring others into this same experience?

The answer my friends is not to tell them that Jesus is coming tomorrow morning, neither in promising them immediate answers to their prayers just because they evangelized. The answer is in preaching to them the gospel of Christ which shows them who they are in Him. The gospel is not the obedience of man, it is the obedience of Christ. The gospel is not the laws of the bible, it is the grace of God given to us in Christ. The gospel is not about man’s sin, it is about the complete price Jesus paid for man’s sin. Truth is, many of the people you are forcing to evangelize need to have their own faith restored. Though in church but in their hearts many of them have deep questions that must be answered.

A person cannot give what s/he does not have.  Their faith must be restored. Their confidence rebuilt. Their conviction and joy brought back by exposing them to the true heart of the Father God. When the gospel restores their true position in Christ, they will overcome sin, live victorious, experience the joy of their salvation, and when these things are in place, you don’t need to threaten them to share with others. I know because I was once there. In 3 years since Jesus led me to His gospel, God has used me to win more souls than in the 19 years I was a Christian under the law. If you want to reduce everything I have said to one reason, it is this: The Law is the problem and Grace is the answer.